As you were

a solo exhibition


Geena Wilkinson

Geena Wilkinson’s super realistic resin and ceramic renditions of sweets and biscuits have fooled many people into thinking that it is the real thing. This, together with the fact that these objects are often displayed behind glass, forces the viewer to consider perceptions of personal memories, nostalgia and the impossibility of experiencing it over again.

Wilkinson’s second solo exhibition, titled as you were will be on show at the WORLDART gallery in Cape Town’s cbd from 6 – 27 October 2023.

“Sugar has enraptured me and, on occasion, consumed me. I like to think it is because I am a very hungry person.

But sugar has nothing to do with hunger. You do not crave sugar because you are hungry. Sugar is a tool. A tool to create craving, to prompt purchase, and to aid in remembering moments - like tiny sticky fingers at a children's birthday party. It's addictive, and that's why you want it.

This exhibition presents an archive of sugar alongside snippets of places and things from found images - salvaged from digital collections and lost family photo albums, some dating back to 1946. The food selection is limited - confectionary only - little delights, not cakes or anything substantial. It offers nothing in terms of nutrition, but somehow evokes a deeper nostalgic longing - a craving for what once was. Sugar has a tendency to do that.”

Charl Bezuidenhout