In this selfie driven era, the gaze on the booty is a never ending cycle. Baartman being the star of her own freak show, Hottentot Venus, kidnapped from her motherland for her extraordinary derriere and put on show for male consumption sends echoes through history in the way women are still perceived. The platform for objectification has shifted, no longer on a physical stage or cage but in a digital realm.
Instagram is technically just another cage right?
The artist's booty print, objectified by eyes and digital media
Ink on Fabriano paper | 104cm X 74cm | 2016
R62 000 (Framed)
Objectifying thyself before others do
Ink on Fabriano paper | 104cm X 73cm | 2016
R62 000 (Framed)
Viewing pleasure II The artist's booty, reluctantly desired.
Ink on Fabriano paper | 104cm X 73cm | 2016
R62 000